Tagalog Worship SongsVictory Worship

This Is Why Chords – Victory Worship

This Is Why chords by Victory Worship, a Tagalog Christian song from the band written by Aubrey Alamani, Laean Angeles, Jordan Bautista & Sophie Pascual.

Song Title: This Is Why
Victory Worship
Hope Has Come

Transpose and resize your chords:

[G]  [A]  [D]

Verse I:
[D]Oh, what is man You’re mindful of?
That even though his soul was lost
[G]For him, You[D]/[F#] bore the only cross
[Em]That c[A]ould restore

Verse II:
You saw my past and knew my shame
Yet still You chose to love the same
This is the gift You freely gave
Immeasurable grace

[G]And th[A]is is why [D]we sing Your praise
[G]Lift high [A]Your [D]prec[D7]ious holy name
[G]Oh Jesu[A]s Christ[Bm], th[E]/[G#]e Son of God
[G]Becau[A]se of Yo[D]ur love, our debt is paid

[G]  [D]/[F#]  [Em][  [D]
[G]  [D]/[F#]  [Em]  [A]

Verse III:
[D]And when I see You face-to-face
There at the end of all my days
[G]Jesus in Y[D]/[F#]ou, I will remain
[Em]My dwel[D]/[F#]ling place

[G]You’re m[D]/[F#]y dwelling place
[Em]In You [D]/[F#]I’ll remain
[G]In Yo[D]/[F#]u I’ll remain
[Em]In You [D]/[A]I’ll remain


[G]Becaus[A]e of Your l[Bm]ove, our debt is paid
[G]Becaus[A]e of Your l[D]ove, we sing Your praise [/wpchords]

Check out our lists of Tagalog worship songs HERE

I hope that we were able to help you out with the lyrics and chords of This Is Why / Victory Worship. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below including requests for chords and lyrics of a specific Tagalog Christian song. We will surely include it in our list of upcoming posts.

Keep on playing and keep on singing for Jesus and His Glory!

God bless and grace be with you, mga kaps!

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