Nothing More Chords – Malayang Pilipino
Song Title: Nothing More
Artist(s): Malayang Pilipino (MP Music)
Album: Salamat Live Worship
Transpose and resize your chords:
[G] [C] [D] (2x)
Chorus I:
Nothing mo[G]re Your g[C]race is en[D]ough
Jesus your n[G]ame b[C]e lift[D]ed up
Nothing m[Em]ore Your gr[C]ace is en[D]ough
There’s no one [C]else and no[D]thing m[C]ore. [G]
Chorus II:
Nothing m[G]ore Your g[C]race is e[D]nough
Jesus your [G]name be li[C]fted u[D]p
Nothing [Em]more Your g[C]race is en[D]ough
Oh, Jesus your n[C]ame, [D]
Jesus your na[Bm]me [Em]
Jesus your na[C]me [D]
Be lifted [G]up. [Gsus]
Jesus your n[C]ame [D]
Jesus your na[Bm]me [Em]
Jesus your n[C]ame, [D]
Be lifted u[G]p. [Gsus]
Witho[C]ut You I am nothing
But with[G]/[B] You I can do anything
Jes[C]us you’re my r[D]ock
My everyth[Em]ing
With[C]out You I am nothing
But w[G]/[B]ith You I can do anything
Je[C]sus you’re m[D]y rock
my everyth[G]ing [G]
Chorus III:
Nothing m[G]ore Your g[C]race is en[D]ough
Jesus your n[G]ame be li[C]fted u[D]p
Nothing mo[Em]re Your gra[C]ce is eno[D]ugh
There’s no one el[C]se and no[D]thing m[G]ore
(Repeat Chorus III)
There’s no one el[C]se and no[D]thing m[Em]ore
There’s no one e[C]lse and not[D]hing m[G]ore [/wpchords]
Check out our lists of Tagalog worship songs HERE.
I hope that we were able to help you out with the lyrics and chords of Nothing More by Malayang Pilipino. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below including requests for chords and lyrics of a specific Tagalog Christian song. We will surely include it in our list of upcoming posts.
Keep on playing and keep on singing for Jesus and His Glory!
God bless and grace be with you, mga kaps!